Watership Down

In Watership Down, two communities emerged, the capitalist equivalent led by one of the protagonists, Hazel, and a communist dictatorship led by Woundwort.  Is it more effective for a community to be strict and communist or capitalist and more lenient?



  1. I think capitalist is better because you have a leader leading you but you still are free to think as you want. You can also give suggestions for better plans and such.


    1. I agree I'd much rather live a capitalist life rather than a communistic life, because you can be more free, and say be your own person with out being controlled..

  2. I think a capitalist society is more effective because there is a good chance that many people have ideas opposed to one corrupt dictator. Free market does also benefit, a little competition never is a bad thing, it also influences people to be motivated to specialize in something. Once everyone specializes in a certain product, there is less competition proved by the theory of comparative advantage (people will specialize in something that they do better than anyone else).

    1. I agree with your idea of competition. If there is just one person that controls all, the rest of the people give up and aren't motivated to do more. If there are multiple people trying to do one task, it will motivate the others to try their best to succeed.

    2. I agree, however I do feel like in a communistic society you can have more power and be respected due to the fact that people fear you.. But I also feel like a lot of people would revolt in a communistic society compared to a capitalistic society..

  3. I would have to say that having a lenient society is by far better. You still need to have a set leader to keep order but if it is more laid back, the people in the society have a chance to express their opinion. In a communist society, people are forced to keep quiet and that just puts pressure. This pressure builds and eventually bursts into a rebellion or war.

    1. Voltron makes a good point. I have the same idea but it true, wars start in real life because of these things, and it would be better if everyone was united.

    2. To much freedom is sometimes just as problematic as no freedom.


    3. I agree. Communist government is not good, and people have little to no motivation to work as hard as they can. If they were working for something, they will put forth effort.


    4. I 100% agree with that statement as a society you need a plan, and a strong leader, but Freedom is key without it people get angry and that leads to bigger problems...

  4. I think that both can be effective, but sometimes having freedom encourages people to do better for others it encourages laziness. At the same time the lack of freedom can deteriorate the desire to work hard and do your best, but can motivate people to do the right things but for the wrong reasons.


    1. Professor MeowingtonMay 25, 2012 at 9:03 AM

      I agree. I think that both are very effective methods but when used in the wrong way, they can both create serious problems.

      _Professor Meowington

    2. I also can conclude that both methods can be effective or destuctive depending on if they chose to use or abuse their power.

  5. Capitalist is much better because it alows the people of that country/ group to be more independent and develop ideas on their own without the influence of a higher power of government

    1. What if people become to independent and having conflicting ideas? What if the higher power or government has a benificial affect on the people?


    2. In theory communism is the more liberal government type. Also the independence that you have in a capitalist society all depends on the president/leader. If the president is super conservative and cuts taxes and funding for government projects that the freedom that you'd have in the country would be less so than if you had a liberal leader. Communism in theory would always grant independence since it has no central government, since the people are the government. Its just that a corrupt leader always seems to rise to power and smash down all opposition.

    3. Yes, but sometimes if a community is too laid back, without force people feel entitled and can become lazy which can lead into bigger problems..

  6. Professor MeowingtonMay 25, 2012 at 8:57 AM

    I think capitalist because you have structure and it's harder for things to fall apart. There are drawbacks though. The leader may let his ego go to him.
    -Professor Meowington

    1. But what if the leader of the capitalist group is more of a dictator that a leader and there is no freedom for the other people? I would say that in this case, the people would eventually rise up and start a war or rebellion and that is the last thing that the community would need.

    2. I agree with #Professor Meowington, but what's also good to consider is that sometimes force is sometimes the best way out, because people will fear you so they probably won't revolt...

  7. Capitalist is much better because it alows the people of that country/ group to be more independent and develop ideas on their own without the influence of a higher power of government

    1. But if the government has not even the slightest influence where does the boundries come into play of what you are and arnt aloud to create, for the purpose of safety.

    2. It is important to have some influence, but if there is just one place for decision, if the people don't like the decision, it can cause uprisings and rebellions.

  8. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 25, 2012 at 8:57 AM

    As an American it is natural for us to lean toward Capitalism, but when you consider how Karl Marx laid out the foundation for communism it would be much more efficient. Yes it is an issue that it could be too easy to rise to power, but with communism practiced the correct way we could be a much more efficient nation. We would not be wasting our time debating whether or not to pass a bill. Communism would be time saving and worth a try.

    1. I highly disagree just for the fact that you probly have no idea what your talking about and are crazy to think that selena gomez wants you.

    2. I see you point but worth a try? There has been multiple tries throughout the world and it never works out. All the basics of communism is not to have a powerful leader and have all equal. There is always a powerful leader that winds up ceasing power from others though and leads to corruptness.

    3. Communism just doesn't work, a leader will have to lead the people to communism.

    4. As a people we need to decide to go into communism, it can't be a single person.


    5. @swagitude3 LOL you spelled probably wrong

    6. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 25, 2012 at 9:15 AM

      As an American with pride don't you think that our great nation would be able to succeed in things that other countries have tried and failed, I feel that we could succeed where other, and less industrialized countries have failed. It is time for a change.

    7. Communism simply does not work. As an American as well I still believe it will not work. We all know histroy repeats itself and in the end somebody would cease power and our nation would be corrupt.

    8. I am with selenagomezwantsme. If we were able to against all odds win america from Europe, then we for sure should bve able to make communism work. And if we are albe to do that, then we will be even better for it. "All things are possible through Christ"


    9. How would we make communism work? We have no proof to show America would be any different. In the end citizens are unhappy and a dictator rises. I just do not see a way this would work. America is already one of the greatest nations in the world so why would we take such a risk and try it?

    10. I agree with swaggitude 3, freedom and individuality is good but having a forceful leader makes a country stronger, but the fundementals become weaker..

  9. Although capitalism is clearly a better government system form there are some communist functions that capitalism just can not deliver. the ease of making choices and speed you can accomplish it is dominated by communism with one ruler.

  10. I think capitalist is by far the better choice because its more easy going and isnt as strict. You need order but you dont need to be strict. Being leniant allows people to be more influential and better ideas are created.


    1. Agreed, since one person can't read all the minds of everyone else and know what they want. Only all the people know what is good for them.


  11. Well you can't be just one or the other. You have to be strict enough without being a dictator but you can't be so lenient that it becomes anarchy. But it's almost too hard to find the right mix, but mostly it comes down to giving people their deserved rights and then it will mostly just fall into place.


    1. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 29, 2012 at 8:43 AM

      You have brought up an interesting point, but I think it would be challeneing to find the right balance of powers. Somebody will always be upset with the government's function.

  12. Although communism sounds great it is awful and will never work because no one has the will power to work hard. Everyone is poor and a dictator takes absolute power and is cruel. Capitalism is a lot more effective because people have more rights and freedom. There is a free market which allows trade and money flow. People are able to vote for their leader and are not fearful of putting their leader down if they disagree. With capitalism the economy thrives and citizens have liberty and freedom from an oppressive government.
    -Big Boy Nigel

    1. I agree, but with communism I don't believe it even comes down to will power. It is already pre-determined by the government who already ceased control. In communist countries you are born into what you have and it very hard to change that but in capitalist societies it is more possible to become more wealthy and successful based on hard work through schooling and other ways.

    2. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 29, 2012 at 8:45 AM

      An issue presented in capitalism is that the "top one percent" begins to develop, and then the bottom people have even less money than they would with communism. America has a lot of money, it should be spread throughout all of the people of our great nation.

    3. Yes, but the money is spread throughout the nation and if you are not in the top one percent it is possible to get there. Through dedication and work ethic people have the ability to rise, which is simply not their in communism.

  13. I would have to say Communism would be the best for a government but not for the people under it. Under a Capitalism people have more freedom but this can cause a government trouble this shows that a strict government may be a suggestible plan for saving money and more efficient country.

    1. Yes but you have you to realize that the government is for the people that make 99.9999% of the country not the one dictator. A strict government with higher regulations is far different than a communist government.

    2. What do you mean by Communism being a good government for no people? A government has to have people because that's why government is made.

  14. I agree with you @Big Boy Nigel. Everyone needs the right to speak their voice and not be scared to ridicule or put down their leader when he/she is not doing their job correctly.

  15. the initial communist idea of equality isn't fully unreasonable, but it is far to easy to become a dictatorship. Capitalism isn't necessarily foolproof either, but it is definitely the better option. dictators cannot come to power in capitalism. everything is actually more equal.


    1. I agree with Bluesparkles15 because capitalism is defineatly the better choice but it's not guarenteed to run smoothly because their will be problems with any political sytem you choose.

  16. Capitalism is the form of government that I have lived with my whole life, so naturally I am drawn to the idea of capitalism. The original plan of communism created by Karl Marx promised equal opportunity's when it comes to money and living situations, and is completely different from other famous communist leaders. Over all because of how communist leaderships have ended up in dictatorships by default, capitalism is the more appealing form of government

    1. I absolutely agree with this. Although communism has become a soursce of corruptness it was orginally meant for equality. Because of this change capitalism is better

  17. I believe that a good idea is to have a mixture of both types of gevernment. If a government is to lenient then there will be nothing to keep people from breaking the law. Although if a government is too sticked and wont allow anybody to act wit free will then there will be people who want to overthrow the people who are oppressing them. It is best to have a nice mixture to keep the peace.


    1. I agree with you. If it was a mixture of both types, governments could bring out the good parts of both communism and capitalism so each types' good parts could cover up the bad parts of each of them.


  18. I think this is a very tough question because you never want to be to leniant but at the same time you want everyone to have some sort of choice in the decisions they make because otherwise their will be no responsibility because responsibility is earned through freedom and the right to be able to make choices.

  19. Communism has a history of developing into dictatorships, despite its good intentions. The people of the unit should be the ones helping to make the decisions for the good of everyone. Capitalism gives people rights and the ability to choose what they want in a government.

  20. It depends on who is in the society. If the people in the society were reckless and abused their freedom then it would be more beneficial to have a strict governmental system. However if the people took there freedoms seriously and appreciated them then it would be better to have a more lenient society.

    1. That is a good point. If more power is needed, than the GOV. should step up the strictness.

  21. The theory of communism is actually a great idea, having everyone be equal with equal rights and opportunities, but when it is actually set up in the real world it always fails. There is always one leader who seizes all the power and turns into the dictator of the country. On the other side you have capitalism. In theory it is not as effective as it gives the rich much more power than the poor, but it is a more successful method in the real world since a democracy normally arises and a stable government prevents any dictators from rising to power. So I think that a capitalist society would be more effective even though communism in theory is a quite good idea.

    1. I agree, but we should have more checks and balances, laws an regulations to stop the income and economic gap between people from becoming enormous. This is a problem that is already very advanced in America today.

    2. Right the way that the US is running the rich will get richer while the poor get poorer. There are tax cuts for the rich even though they make hundreds of times more than the poorest of Americans. Capitalism would be more effective if it catered to the common people not just the richest 1%.

  22. I believe that communist government are NOT the way to go and that being Capitalist and lenient is much better. People like the freedoms in a Capitalist government and they don't get that in a communist government


    1. The freedom that you don't get in communist societies is simply because there is a corrupt leader. There has never been a communist country that has not had a dictator. The theory of communism would provide freedom, it's just that when communism is applied in the real world it always fails.

    2. Exactly @CaptainAmerica! Communism works in theory, but not in practice. That is why we should consider other governments. There are more than two, and though no system will ever be perfect we could find one that is improved.

  23. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 25, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    @Big Boy Nigel
    It is a rather bold statement to say that communism will never work because nobody has the drive. In Watership Down these Rabits need a new home to survive and thrive in, if survival does not motivate anybody, then go ahead and choose capitalism, but communism would be a much more efficient way to survive.

    1. It will never work look at north korea!!!! it will never work..

  24. I think it is more effective for a society to be capitalist because then you get a say from everyone in the society rather than a select few. Freedom is something that people fight for, and don't want taken away.

    1. I agree you have made great points in this statement.

  25. I think that dictatorships are negative, and that communist governments have always turned into corrupt dictatorships. Communism as an IDEA is great, because there is a minimum standard of living, but in practice it is negative. Capitalism is not perfect either, like we like to think. There is a lot of inequality in the system that we don't like to acknowledge. Some people get along with almost nothing, and some have so much wealth they don't know what to do with it all. We need to remember that there are more than 2 systems.

  26. Capitalism gives the people a say in what they want and what they think is going to best for everyone. Unlike, communism which would only allow a few people to decide what is best for everyone.


    1. I agree with you, Capitalism is about the right to speak without fear and people can do what will make them successful instead of working harder and harder without ever getting above anyone.

  27. People should make their decisions based on statistics, pretty much 99.99% of communist Gov. some how form into a dictatorship where the people have no freedom and are forced to make the decisions that the Gov. encourages them to make.

  28. I believe in a balance. There needs to be rules and at the same time people need to have freedom and rights. I don't think being too strict will result in anything but power stuggles and violence. The way the rabbits were treated in Watership Down makes me want to lean more towards a capitolist society.


  29. I think it would be more effective to be capitalist and more lenient. If you are too strict then you will have people who rebel but if people feel like they have more freedom them they wont have the need to be rebellious. i also think that communist leaders will become corrupt and capitalism would make more people happy with the way they live because they have a say in it.

  30. I think that in order to achieve complete equality and success, it needs to be a mix of both- the government must be strict and lenient, but have clear boundaries of what's wrong and what's right.

  31. I think the only way Communism could work was if you had a good and caring leader, which is never the case as we study history. So I think Capitalism is more fair I think and brings up more oppurtunities to succeed unlike Communism.


  32. I agree that for Communism to work, you need a caring leader and in the past that has never happened. However, sometimes a country needs a strong government who takes charge completely in order to save/improve themselves, so at the same time, Capitalism also has its faults.

  33. I think both communism and capitalism have good parts and bad parts to it, but capitalism is better because of the usual outcome. In communism, some leader usually takes all of the power that is supposed to be distributed to the people. But in capitalism the system is operated how it is supposed to be, and the only faults are the faults that come with capitalism, not from a dictator.

