
In the book Speak, Melinda is a girl that got raped at a party and told nobody even though it started to ruin her life and relationships.  She refuses to speak about the party that changed her life. Throughout her freshmen year as she faces challenges and she becomes quieter and quieter. She didn't want to be judged or blamed for everything that happened that night. Melinda continues to hide the truth from everyone, bringing misery to herself and causing lots of other problems.
If you were raped would you speak up or stay silent? Why would someone prefer to hide in a world of silence instead of speaking the truth?


  1. I would rather speak the truth because I feel better when I talk about problems and I talk alot.

    1. I think as humans, it is important for us to talk about our problems because it is an easy way to cope. But what can you do when there is nobody to talk to, like Melinda?

    2. Same with me, sometimes though I feel like people worry more about people judging them, so telling the truth is hard to do.

  2. Honestly, I think it depends on what kind of person you are. Most in their teens want to fit in and when it comes to being persecuted for broadcasting the ugly truth; it slims your chances of fitting in.

    1. Professor MeowingtonMay 25, 2012 at 8:53 AM

      I agree fully. I think that everyone wants to fit in and be accepted by others and when they aren't they feel like a looser.

      -Professor Meowington

    2. In high school people are also attracted to the stereotype of of the popular high school, trying to conform themselves to it. This in the end just emphasizes the fact of them being insecure.

    3. Ya definately. Most people are too worried about being popular and when stuff happens some people don't want to talk about it. I think it is important to talk about it though because if you don't, it can lead to more trouble.

    4. I also agree, it all depends on who you are but in a such case as getting raped. Its not something you should hold back, holding all that pain and stress in isnt healthy. Telling people and maybe not fitting in or being liked, but saving your sanity may be the only choice you have...

    5. ChiliBean I think that either way, telling or not, she wouldn't have fit in. People would have judged her because of what had actually happened the same way they did when she didn't speak out.

    6. People are more accepting than Melinda thinks. She needs to understand that this is bigger than her and she needs to tell somebody before some poor other girl gets raped.

    7. I agree, but in some situations it's worth it, because telling the truth can make people reach out to you and befriend you, if they know what you're going through..

  3. Professor MeowingtonMay 25, 2012 at 8:52 AM

    I would for sure speak out because there are so many benefits instead of bottling it up and suppressing my feelings. I think someone would prefer to hide because they are afraid of what might happen and they are denying it.
    -Professor Meowington

    1. Yes many high schoolers say they would speak up but it is much easier said than done because of the consequences involved in speaking up. It is much easier to remain silent.

    2. Professor MeowingtonMay 25, 2012 at 9:07 AM

      Yeah without speaking, there's less consequences to what you're hiding so you don't have to worry about what anyone might think or do if you were to speak out.

      -Professor Meowington

  4. I think that it depends on the situation whether I would speak up or not. In Melinda's case, were everyone thinks that she called the cops because she wanted to break up the party, I would clear my name so people would be able to understand what really happened. Something to think about also is you shouldn't have to justify why you did something so you aren't judged, but sadly that is a part of high school.

    1. I agree sometimes it's important to hold things in, but if you not things can keep carrying over and over which turns the situation into a catastrophy..

      ^ i spelled that wrong

  5. I think that it would be crazy hard to talk about such a shocking and scarring event but the best thing to do would be to talk to your parents or friends and get your feelings out. If this type of closure doesn't occur, the tension builds up and eventually explodes out irrationally on someone. One would want to stay quiet in this situation out of fear of rejection or out of embarrassment.

  6. I would like to think that I would speak out, but no one understands the emotional, physical, and mental hardships people face after and during such events. I would only know if I would speak after such an event happened to me personally.


  7. I understand why she wouldn't want to tell anyone about it. If it were me I probably wouldn't have said anything either, because I wouldn't want other people to make assumptions about me because of something that I couldn't control. Hiding in the silence would have made it easier to cope I think. That way you could pretend it had never happened.

    1. I completely agree. I would be afraid of what people would think about me and if they would judge me or not, and im sure shes feeling the same way.


  8. Honestly speaking i think i would stay mostly quiet. Except for maybe telling a very close friend i wouldn't feel comfortable telling anyone else and i think that if they didn't want to be my friend after i had gotten raped then they weren't good friends anyways.

  9. I would definitely speak out because being quiet just makes it worse. Most of the time people are misunderstood, so speaking out would clear the misunderstanding. Speaking out lets other people know what exactly happened rather than jumping to wrong conclusions.

    1. What if no one would listen to you? What if you had no one to tell? What if you were already hated because you destroyed a party and no one wanted to be associated with you? Would you still speak out?


    2. That is a lot of 'what ifs'. You don't know if people will judge you until you try and speak up.


    3. @runner12 I think you are totally right, but I think that is why it is important to make sure our friends know that they can always come to us. Also, I think we need to focus on what we would do if someone confessed something like rape to us. We would need to make sure we treat that person well, not like what happened in Speak.

  10. One would rather hide in silence because they have no idea if the outcome of telling the truth will be good or not. It's not their fault, it is just that they are clueless and don't want to take risks when the consequences are unknown.

    1. I agree with the thought of unsure about the outcome of the situation but I think that it would be best to use the benefit of a doubt that the situation would work out. In the girl's situation, she didn't have anything to loose so I think that she should have came out in the first place.

  11. SelenaGomezWantsMeMay 25, 2012 at 9:01 AM

    From what I understand from the group's presentation on the book, the main character Melinda has already lost all of her friends because she called the cops at the party. At this point what does she have to lose? She should not only tell somebody, but go out of her way to make the rapist a hated and disrespected member of their high school. In the end she should not only speak up, but shout it out to the high school, and possibly even sue.

    1. I highly agree with this post. If she doesn't have anything to lose, she should have spoken up and talked about her trials.

    2. I agree in Melinda's situation it would of been better to SPEAK out, because people would know she had reasoning for calling the police at the party..

  12. I would speak up, but I know it wouldn't be easy. It would be easier to stay silent and pretend that it never happened. Having good friends and supportive parents, which I do, would definitely be the deciding point. I think she didn't speak up because no one wanted to listen, she had nothing to say that anyone could really hear. I hope that I am a friend that someone could confide in.

  13. It's hard to know what to do unless you've been in a situation where this has happened to you. Some might just choose to tell family or friends because their too embarrassed about what happened, some tell the police because they want justice, and some don't tell anyone and just try to forget it even happened. Life's not so cut and dry that you think "i would do this" or "i wouldn't do that" and you would actually do what you said you would.


  14. I would speak out immediately, since hiding the truth would almost certainly lead to problems. Hiding in the shadows is never a good idea, you should always stand up for yourself.

  15. If I were raped it would be very embarrassing and I would be fearful. Although I wouldn't want to, I would have to end up letting it out. I believe that the only way to get something that you fear is to talk about it with someone and find a solution. It is better to tell someone if you are raped rather then keeping it secret. This allows you to get help for the situation that you are in. Someone may prefer to hide in a world of silence instead of speaking the truth because they are afraid of what other people will think of them after the word gets out.They are afraid of the outcome that will happen sooner or later.
    -Big Boy Nigel

  16. The girl who was raped should have spoke up because in those situations, safety is more important than what someone thinks about how you live your social life, or how many followers you have on Facebook.

    1. And she is scared about what would happen if people knew and if she would get treated diferently

    2. People worry too much about what others think of them. In this case it was way more important for her to talk because this was a matter of safety and not just gossip.

  17. I know I would say i would speak up, but I can see why Melinda didn't. she was so scared of it being held against her and so traumatized by something happening to her that she could not prevent.I think it would take an enormous amount of strength to own up to something as terrible as getting raped happening to you.you would just have to decide if you were going to take the easy, silent road, or the much tougher yet better speaking up one. so maybe I would speak up or maybe not, you just can';t tell if you don't know what that sort of thing is like.

  18. I would for sure say something and tell someone if this has happened to me. I know for sure this would be hard because people will find out and I will receive unwanted attention.

  19. I think in this modern day society people never really let people know the whole truth about anything because there's not many people you can trust or think you can trust. Also some people prefer to remain silent about certain issues and events because there is a lot of crtisism that comes along with voicing your opinion, especiqally on social networking sites such as facebook or twitter.

  20. If I was put in Melindas situation I would speak up and tell the truth even if people do judge. It would be hard to tell the truth but people would be more understanding of the situation. People sometimes want to hide in a world of silence because they dont want to ruin their reputation but sometimes you just need to let the truth out.


  21. As hard as it would be i would speak up because a problem can just escalate and become harder to get away from. In this world we are constantly judging others, sometimes not even intentionally and Nobody wants to be judged or look bad. If we were just able to think about how we are in Gods eye and stop thinking about how others see us and then this would be a much less hurtful world. People would be able to express their thoughts and release some inner stess.


  22. People hide the truth because they are afraid of what people might think of them if they were to tell them the truth. They may be afraid to be judged by someone.


    1. This is true that it would be difficult to speak up, and once you do you're afraid of people judging you. That's the way high school is now of days, which is sad but true.


  23. I would most likely speak up for myself but it is hard to say because its one of those situations that one can only truly understand through experience. I believe that someone would want to live in a world of silence because it is difficult to talk about things like that.

  24. I think it is easier to hide in a world of lies, but it is better to speak the truth. Although telling the truth may be a harder thing to do, in te long run it is going to benefit a lot of people including yourself.

    1. I agree with you and because of the fact speaking may be harder to do, many people do not do so. It is easier to take the easy way out and happens very often in today's society. Hopfully more people realize it is best to speak.

  25. Once a person speaks out they are afraid that they are going to be judged. I believe it is better to speak out, but realize that you must be brave to do so.


    1. Sometimes it is hard to realize that you have to be brave. You can go into denial, thinking that it is better to stay silent and your life will be easier this way. It is easy to say that you would speak up until a hard situation like this arises and whether you speak up or not depends on many factors- like if your family is supportive, or if you have somebody you trust to talk to.

  26. No matter what the view your friends will have on you, you need to take the step forward and make sure you SPEAK up and tell someone if you are put into a situation such as this.

  27. It is always better to talk about what your going through because if you keep it all inside eventually it will come out. Everybody needs atleast one person they feel comfortable enough with to tell them their struggles.


  28. Even though it would be easier to tell everyone I can understand how hard it would be to speak. Its probably scary thinking about everyoen judging you and being looked at differently. However it would have been a lot easier for her to speak up in the first place.


    1. I definitely agree with this. People will judge you differently if they learn what actually happened since they are probably judging you from false rumors. They only know what the result is and not what happened that caused that result.


  29. I think that sometimes, it's hard for young people to speak up and tell the truth because they are afraid of what other people will think. Melinda was probably scared that people would judge her and afraid that she would embarass herself.
